Other Awesome Features

More than 15,000 companies trust and choose Itech

Store Hours and Vacation

Ideal for businesses that are seasonal or operate between fixed hours.

Coupon Management

Set up irresistible deals and offers with flexible discount promo codes.

Product Import and Export

Import products from and export products to CSV from vendor dashboard.

Inquiry and Support Ticket System

Interaction with sellers help buyers to make better purchase decisions.

Membership Subscription

Offer membership plans for sellers, free and paid. Accept recurring fees.

Invoice and Shipping Labels

Order fulfillment made easy with store invoices and shipping labels.

GEO Location and Radius Search

Allow searching products or services near the user’s current location.

Shipment and Delivery

Share tracking of deliveries, notify when shipping status changes.

Discover our top services

Our strategy includes consistently evolving, to ensure we’re producing exceptional SEO for business.

Notero - Easy Notes App

Awesome Features

Notes Powerful
and Security
Easy Sort, Classify
and Search


Collaboration and
Quick Note In
Write and Draw
on Ipad
our services

Perfect IT Solutions For Your Business

IT Consultation 01
Trust our top minds to eliminate workflow pain points, implement new tech & app.
Data Security 02
Trust our top minds to eliminate workflow pain points, implement new tech & app.
Website Development 03
Trust our top minds to eliminate workflow pain points, implement new tech & app.
UI/UX Design 04
Trust our top minds to eliminate workflow pain points, implement new tech & app.
Cloud Services 05
Trust our top minds to eliminate workflow pain points, implement new tech & app.
Game Development 06
Trust our top minds to eliminate workflow pain points, implement new tech & app.

Our Main Services

IT Consultation

We provide best IT solutions for any type of business as stragegy, management.

Software Development

We provide best IT solutions for any type of business as stragegy, management.

Data Security

We provide best IT solutions for any type of business as stragegy, management.

AI Machine Learning

We provide best IT solutions for any type of business as stragegy, management.